Kickplan Campus

Wissen rund um den Kinderfußball

3v3 League Cologne everywhere - Organize a complete season in small sided games wherever you want

The 3v3 League in Cologne is an alliance to organize a complete season in small sided games by letting the clubs do the organization work on their own. It can be played and organized everywhere by everyone - all over the world. We will explain the organization and the helpful tools to keep track of things and achieve the big purpose of children's football: all children can play football at every weekend.

Purpose and Organization of the 3v3 League
The 3v3 League in Cologne is an alliance of coaches and clubs to organize and implement small sided games in children's football. The purpose is to ensure that all children have lots of ball actions (dribbling, passing, shooting, goalkeeping actions) and experiences of success (goals, assists, goalkeeping saves). Every child shall participate and make many experiences in football at all times and equally. The slogan of 3v3 League in Cologne is: All children can always play football - no one stays at home. 
Open to everyone - beyond the borders of Cologne
The 3v3 League Cologne is not limited to the Cologne region. Coaches and clubs from outside of Cologne  can also organize themselves within the framework of the respective association guidelines. The coaches and clubs are responsible for registering and running the football festivals within the framework of the guidelines of the regional associations and districts. They receive voluntary and unpaid support in organization from the organizers and coordinators of 3v3 League Cologne.  Anyone who would like to play in 3v3 League Cologne or would like to organize an own 3v3 League in his region and country should contact the coordinators of 3v3 League Cologne. They will allow to use all organization tools for free by respecting copyright. 
Creating a season plan together
Using the tool Season Planner, which is stored on a server, the coaches create the season schedule together. Coaches and clubs feed in their home football festivals. The visiting teams can register for the respective football festivals independently and choose their venues. The clarity of the Season Planner enables mutual control between coaches. They can communicate easily and solve problems togehter in cooperation with the organizers. With the season plan, every coach knows when and where his team is playing and can have a say in where and how often he wants to play with his team. He creates an individual season schedule for his team, taking into account travel distances, versatility and skill level of his players. 
Planning a home football festival in small sided games
During the week before the home football festival, the home team coach invites all guest coaches to a separate chat group. By Thursday, they will discuss how many teams will be participating, whether more goals are needed and can be brought along. Then the home coach creates the tournement plan using the "Matchday Planner" tool of 3v3 League Cologne. It is a tournament planner that ensures that all teams play as evenly as possible in the various game formats (on mini goals and on youth goals). After the planning, the football festival can begin. 
Running the football festival in small sided games
In the 3v3 League in Cologne, 4 pitches are set up for the football festivals - 2 pitches with 4 mini goals and 2 pitches with 2 youth goals. The games are played in a mix of small sided games , i.e. the teams switch back and forth between the two different types of small sided games and play as evenly as possible on mini goals and youth goals . The children play 6 matches against 6 different teams in a tournament mode. Additional fields can be set up if required. The growing pitch sizes can be found in the game development model and the play rules on top of this page. 
Initial veröffentlicht: 25.07.2024 | Zuletzt aktualisiert: 25.07.2024

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